Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Enroute to Tampa

It is 10:00am and we will be arriving in Tampa in
30 minutes. Players are looking forward to
seeing the complex and enjoying a practice on
the grass and dirt instead of gym floors.
Weather forecast for today is cool about 10


  1. Just want you to know that we are following and watching for your updates!! Good Luck!!

  2. Day 2 glad to be in the hotel. the drive was crazy.....Can't believe they shut down North Carolina. visited a friend there and there really wasn't much snow,it was extremely cold though. Girls are off to morning practice, exhibition game vs Brazil and practice this afternoon. have fun girls! We will bring our blankets to keep us warm while we watch.

  3. So disappointed we are not a part of this exciting tournament. Would love to be there to cheer my niece on. So happy for all you girls.
    Will rely on this blog and my sister in law.
    Go GIRLS Go!

  4. THe weather is getting better every day. Good luck girls. No matter what the scores of the games the opportunity is amazing to face international teams. Thank you to all of the volunteer coaches and managers you have made this an opportunity the girls will never forget.
